Current focus: development of key technologies for software1,2 and hardware3-defined collectives of digital nomads, traveling and being able to stay anywhere on Earth and beyond, but particularly, nearby the points of creation like factories and research labs to engage in co-creating new technologies, products and services useful to society, through commercialization of stocks in real world and the virtual gamified worlds. 

2022 — now

Mindey Ltd - Founder / Owner

Purpose: holding securities and do research, possibly temporarily selling car prototypes, made based on LifeCar idea.

2020 — now

Role: Coming up with a principle of combining different open source apps to achieve desired result, and providing a prototype for the solution. Guiding technological strategy.

2019 — 2020

Sujitech LLC/合同会社 - Consultant / Architect

Role: Sharing knowledge about cryptography, JavaScript, and browser development technologies, guiding technological focus for web3 relevance.

2017 — 2019

Scoutbee GmbH - Contractor / CTO

Role: Organizing development of a software that features supply chain risk minimization through automatic alternative supplier discovery, electronic communication process automation to source from suppliers, and risk modeling based on real-time data covering global trade, emergency services, global news, and others, to comprehensively cover supply chain risk mitigation. My contribution was mainly bootstrapping the development team, introducing technologies and development processes, supporting sales with data science, and guiding the hiring process for the technology teams (data processing and software development teams).

2015 — now

WeFindX Foundation CLG - Co-founder, Director

Role: Forming vision, and developing of the concept of a financial think-tank (, which emerged as a result of an idea I had in 2005. I designed the theory of content types and business logic to use them to solve a broad spectrum of problems. Then, I learned the best practices in reliable web services engineering, such as TDD, Gitflow, CI, error and resource tracking, containerization. I guided the project ideologically, did code reviews, and implemented a number of features, such as the logic to combine payments with claimed time records and proofs of work results to derive shares, dynamic front-end graphs, and many others. I wrote most of the copywriting and contributed significantly to our partnership development. I have also actively worked on our team building and support for WeFindX members.

2014 — 2016

XY Bid Inc - Co-founder, CTO

Role: Managing a research project to discover principles to reduce the cost of a click or an acquisition while controlling for budget spending and the total number of clicks/acquisitions. This resulted in at least three working strategies for the startup.

Highlight: Created a full-cycle data collection from the AdWords platform, analysis, and actioning circuit, using Python, R, MongoDB, and JavaScript, that both interacts with AdWords via API and the web JavaScript interface.

2012 — now

StudyMaze Project - Developer / Visionary

Stopped PhD studies to work on  3D Study Maze - a decentralized metaverse project to gamify work end education. Video intro is here.

2011 — 2012

Purdue University - Interdisciplinary (Lifescience & Linguistics)

Kihara Lab - Research Assistant

Topic: Mathematics applications to biology

Research assistant/teaching assistant (with Daisuke Kihara in Lifescience, and with Victor Raskin in Linguistics) at Purdue University, US.  Assisted in teaching an anatomy class with practical assignments, like dissecting frogs. 

Kihar Lab (lifescience)protein search engine through Dimensionality reduction with Krawtchouk moments for 3D object search and protein function inference from structure.

Victor Raskin (linguistics): formalized mereological parthood relation useful for meaning representation in semantic networks (ontologies).

2010 — 2011

UAB Sandas - Business Mathematician / BI Software Developer

Role: BI software developer. Integrated data from web shops to BI system OpenERP via XML-RPC. Wrote modules for accounting with PostgreSQL and business reports.

Motivation: Wishing to use Python for creating a friendly AI, I found Sandas useful in learning to write proprietary modules for OpenERP (business resource planning software) in Python, including banking data integrations, web-shop data integration, accounting and analytic routines, custom forms, reports, ORM models, and more.

2005 — 2006

Waseda University - Japanese Language program

Unoh Inc - Internship

Santoku Inc - Part-Time Job

Topic: Japanese language studies.

Content: reading, writing, listening, speaking classes with focus on exploring student interests. Several texts written then:

(1) Writing "An Important Thing To Me" Class - Describing the project to create a "Wikipedia of Know-How".

(2) Writing Autobiography Class - Describing the story of my journey up to the point in Japan.

Unoh Inc: (PHP Developer Intern) Contributed to developing a photo sharing social network,, with a team of 5 people using tools like Vim, GPG, SVN, and LAMP with a separation of production/development environments. I was accepted after I passed a challenge task to create a basic BBS in PHP over single evening. I especially appreciate getting taught Vim there.

Santoku: learned the Japanese language used, when serving customers in Japan.

2004 — 2010

Vytautas Magnus University - Mathematics and its applications

Internship - assistant in teaching statistics class to biology students.

Content: All the grades and courses are here (google spreadsheet) or in text here.

Note: The first 2 years were shared with CS students, so, it was a mixed degree of CS and Mathematics. Mathematics majors then differentiated into probability and differential equations directions, and I chose to focus on the probability direction. I've also taken Japanese classes, participated and won in the first Japanese language speech contest in Lithuania (speech text here).

Thesis: Applications of Kernel Methods in Classification Tasks in Coronary Artery Stenosis Prognosis. ECG signal feature extraction using modified PCA (principal component analysis) based on HSIC (Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion), and building a classifier.

Term Paper (with A. Bikelis). Random variable decomposition into infinitely divisible and non-divisible components. (paper, includes a proof of infinite divisiblity of a family of probability distributions into an indivisible and an infinitely divisible component.)

Motivation: understanding change, in order to understand the origins of the Universe.

2003 — 2004

Institute of Physics - Technician

Role: Setup, maintenance and administration of the end-user Internet hardware and software. The work included LAN administration, with common tasks of repairing computers and operating systems as needed. Mostly, learned: Linux, MediaWiki, Windows Active Directory administration.

2002 — 2003

I've learned Autodesk Inventor here, which was useful tool in the future, for 3D CAD designs. I had interests in understanding the origin of the universe, and thus, changed the direction to physics and mathematics.

1998 — 2001

Vilnius University - Japanese Language

I've got interested in Japanese language, because many great hardware products were "Made in Japan" and cultural aspects, of which I've learned reading a book "A branch of sakura" (1971) by Vsevolod Ovchinnikov, which made me like the culture.

I've started going to Vilnius University after my school in order to learn Japanese in Orientalistikos centras, and on other days I would go to chemistry or astronomy club.

1991 — 2002

School (K-12)

The school in Lithuania at the time was K-12 kind, and we learned many standard topics. A few extracurricular activities included my obsession with experimenting with astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology. 

I had been to and won (at least in one of) Olympiads, also, went to chemistry club, had accumulated large number of reagents at home, had participated in excursions to Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, as part of activities organized by the Chemistry Faculty of the Vilnius University, did some lab research at home, etc. I could provide more details if curious.

Some old notes can be found on my old site on and

1983 — now

Vilnius City (born somewhere here)


Hobbies and pastimes: I have been an active participant in the Everything List (Usenet) (community exploring the idea that all possible universes exist), SL4 (community on handling the emergence of ultra-powerful technologies), LessWrong (refining the art of rationality), as well as HalfBakery (thinking of radically unusual, fun innovations). I also love sports such as windsurfing.